
Opportunity - Benefit Analysis

It seems the business press is awash with the word "innovation". Management experts are touting innovation as the single greatest factor that will help companies survive and thrive in the coming years. From new products to new processes to new markets, the "I" word is everywhere. Innovation comes in many shapes and forms, from the blockbuster new product idea to changes in processes that move product to the customer more quickly.

But many well-intentioned innovation programs fail due to one or more of the following issues:

  1. Poor goal definition
  2. Lack of alignment between goals and actions
  3. Poor participation in teams
  4. Lack of resources to handle all the innovative ideas
  5. Weak monitoring of results
  6. Poor communication and access to information

ASG helps clients overcome these obstacles by implementing a process that defines the goals for innovation, aligns actions to those goals, fosters teamwork and results monitoring, and facilitates communication. Our proven processes also help your employees structure information to create knowledge that can be applied to decisions regarding innovative ideas.

Our Opportunity - Benefit Analysis process harnesses your employees' best thinking about innovation. By structuring the consideration of innovative ideas, your company can separate the wheat from the chaff, focus on the highest payback ideas and plan the next steps to exploring these ideas. When the decision is made to pursue a specific idea, our Project Management process is used to define the project objectives, allocate resources, set timelines and responsibilities, and monitor progress toward project completion.

Opportunity - Benefit Analysis is also used as part of future scenario planning. By considering and planning to take advantage of macro events, clients can be out in front of competitors when a game-changing situation occurs. This ability to anticipate change can be the difference between being the market leader or an also-ran in today's hyperkinetic global economy.