
Priority Analysis

There is often a rush to action before really understanding the situation. This is especially true when facing a tight deadline or crisis situation. But this approach wastes time and effort and can be demoralizing to team members working on the issue.

ASG's Priority Analysis process helps to identify, sort and separate issues and concerns, assign priority and plan the appropriate resolution strategy.  Priority Analysis can be used in a number of organizational and personal situations, including:

  • When priorities are not obvious to everyone. Using Priority Analysis to organize the facts can save time, avoid arguments and insure the highest priority issues are being addressed.
  • When it is not clear how to proceed on a specific issue – a problem to solve, a decision to make, a plan to implement and gain clarity and understanding before trying to proceed toward resolution of an issue.
  • To clarify priorities among several work groups, teams or departments, especially if there will be resource constraints or conflicts.
  • To define requirements or a course of action or to reach agreement on their priorities.

Priority Analysis gets everyone “on board” and provides, clarity, focus, direction and timing for successful issue resolution.